Polar Aliens Network
The Polar Aliens Network (PAN) is a place for researchers, managers, policy-makers, and any interested stakeholders to share research, ask questions and communicate about issues and topics related to alien (non-native) and invasive species in polar regions.
Why PAN?
The Arctic and Antarctic are vast, rapidly-warming areas that are home to unique species and ecosystems. Both regions are becoming more vulnerable to invasive alien species - terrestrial, freshwater, and marine. We (the Polar Alien Hunters) believe that people involved in researching or managing invasive alien species can learn from each other and benefit from sharing research results, questions, collaborative ideas, as well as what works and doesn’t work in biosecurity practices and policy.
How to participate in PAN?
PAN is, at its simplest, an email list dedicated to the topic of alien and invasive species in polar regions. We also facilitate expansion to other collaborative platforms and events such as workshops or sessions at conferences. PAN is a platform to facilitate communication between researchers and stakeholders in polar regions.
For example:
Researchers - share your research on invasive alien species, connect with researchers tacking similar problems in different countries or at the opposite pole, set up collaborative projects
Managers - request information you need to manage or mitigate invasive species (researchers can target projects to your needs), share biosecurity practices about what works and doesn’t
Policy-makers - request information to help generate biosecurity policies, learn about emerging issues and best practice Tourism Operators and visitors - learn about the biosecurity best practice for polar regions, ask questions about biosecurity/invasive alien species.
PAN is kindly hosted by the Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) of the IUCN and moderated by the Polar Alien Hunters team.
Join us!
To join PAN, please sign up to our email list at https://list.auckland.ac.nz/sympa/info/polar-aliens-network
Or, if you have any questions you can contact the Polar Alien Hunters team directly